Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas is almost here.

this little gem was a custom mixed media painting for Heather.  she had a great quote and she asked me to make a painting based on it.  what an honor!

Christmas is just around the corner.  The last couple of days have been pretty nice... school is still going on (for two more hours), it is getting chillier, and I have sewn and/or painted my last order.  So, what have I been doing with myself?  Not cleaning.  Not exercising.  I have been sitting around in my pajamas in the morning sipping coffee and working on the art class I am taking on-line.  Then when I am good and inspired, I retreat to my studio and play catch-up on my art journal.  I was about six prompts behind.  Then I shower and have lunch with my hubby. 

It has been a wonderful couple of days.  They were desperately needed.  The school Christmas break begins this afternoon and I am ready to start wearing my daytime clothes again and get back to work.  Oh, wait... the girls will be home so I may need to postpone the work part and go straight to playtime.  Sweet!!!  Merry Christmas.