Monday, June 4, 2012

Praise Him - Mixed Media Painting

A wonderful friend from my Bible Study class asked me if I could paint her a picture.  She wanted one that reminded her of God's glory but didn't smack people in the face of it when they came to visit.  A picture that had meaning for her. 

She showed me a picture that she had found in a catalog that she liked as an example. I  struggled at the beginning of this painting because I wanted to please my friend who had commissioned me to paint for her - I didn't want her to buy the painting just to be nice.  I wanted her to love it.  After a few days of stagnant work I realized that I have to be true to my style and just started painting (forgetting the example).

The lesson I learned... be true to myself.  Once I relaxed and stopped worrying the picture came together in a day.  It looks nothing like the examples and I am glad.  I wouldn't want it any other way.  I worked over five hours straight and didn't realize it until my family called me for dinner.  The "zone" was happening and that is when I know I love what I am doing.

I love the picture.  It is whimsical and fun but has meaning.  The special secret is that the church is made from her own journal page, which I asked for a photo.  I have painted other pictures like this that have hidden photos and memorabilia. 

My Mom loved nature and gardening.  Someday I will paint myself a picture that includes something with her handwriting.  Handwriting is so personal and brings back so many memories.   I  am going to list this painting on my Etsy store, Poppy Cat Sews, as a custom made piece.   I hope I get to paint for someone soon.  Sharing my art and making something personal for someone else is so rewarding.

On a side note, the study was Brave - Honest Questions Women Ask by Angela Thomas.  It was excellent.