Sunday, March 6, 2011

Greta's Joy Art Journal

Greta's art journal

She really does love fruit this much.

Our afternoon together was all about mixed media art for our journals.

Here is my page.

Greta is fascinated by my art journal and the entire process. She will sit and watch me draw, paint, glue, and paint some more for as long as I will let her... as she chats the entire time (which drives me c.r.a.z.y because I like to go into a zone).
So, I got her an art journal with a purpose. Her art journal is only for things that bring her joy. Greta loves a lot and feels deeply... she can plunge into a funk that will last for a week. Art is her escape so I wanted her to have a place to put her joy so she could find it when she needed it the most.
Today we had a few hours with just the two of us so we decided to do what we love most... shop and paint. It was a great time and we only cried once!


Unknown said...

The chatting drives me crazy too!

I love the idea of an art journal...I don't really know how to make that happen though.