Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Little Bird Builds Her Nest - mixed media painting

I have been enjoying the slower rural life.  Since my sewing machine died I focused on painting... and cleaning this rental house we call home which was so gross when we moved in.  When I say gross, I mean disgusting.  I scraped 1/4 of an inch of mold out of the window sills this week.  But I'm not holding a grudge - just a butter knife and toothbrush.  Anyhoo...back to the fun topic - painting and art.

A friend with a heart of gold experienced a life changing moment recently.  As a result, she has to redefine her life and rebuild her joy for herself and her children.  My heart aches for her but I stumble over words and typically say the wrong thing.  I learned in my social work classes to "do no harm."  Plus, she lives 8 hours away and I am not there to help so the only thing I could do was make her a picture.  Hopefully, every time she looks at it she will know that I am thinking about her and praying for her and her family.

The mixed media painting is simple but hopefully expresses my thoughts.  I am often in awe of the little birds who seem so small and frail but can fly through a storm, build and rebuild their nests, and raise their chicks.  That is what my friend will be doing now - weathering a storm, rebuilding, and lovingly raising her babies.  She may feel broken at times but I know that she is amazingly strong.