Saturday, April 18, 2009

Celebration Cake and JOY!

"God loves you so much that He makes it a priority to produce a spirit of joy in your life. He has committed Himself to growing joy within you through the supernatural power of His Spirit. He wants to produce a joy so deep in your life that it will transcend any pain, discouragement, and circumstantial problems you have." (Bill Hybles)

That about sums up the reason for the Celebration Cake. We have joy dispite our circimstances. So, back to the basics... we devoured a butter cake with milk chocolate icing. It was the kind of cake that made your stomach hurt if you ate too much... don't ask me how I know this. Our great friends, who are also in the middle of a deployment, shared this evening with us. Collin, Ethan, Greta, and Gigi