This sentiment is so true - "Where We Love Is Home" |
The majority of military families move A LOT. People who aren't military (we call them civilians) ask me all the time how I do it. These two paintings are the formula of a successful military family... we make where ever we are in that moment our home. There is a familiar saying - "Home Is Where The Army Sends Us"
The little houses in a row represent military housing. I hadn't added the words when I took this picture. |
Don't get me wrong, I haven't been completely satisfied at every single duty station. I can think of only two out of nine or so different addresses (I lose track sometimes) that I didn't love. I am not saying that I didn't like them - there is always something positive in each place and that is usually the great friendships that develop. The first place we were only there for 6 months but our youngest was born during that time so it has wonderful and exhausting memories. The second place had a lot of old memories connected with it. It was a place for personal growth and we made fantastic friends. I never forget the places we lived when Gene was deployed... talk about spiritual and personal growth. I couldn't watch a single redeployment commercial during the Super Bowl this year without crying. It gets me every time.
I will probably add a sentiment to help complete the thought/meaning. |
These two paintings represent that feeling of the military home. It's not about the house we are living in or the weather or the stores or the schools (all these things can help) but it is about the people we surround ourselves with. I grew up in the same little town on a cattle farm. We made a lot of memories and learned how to work hard but I have loved the adventures the Army has sent us on. So, these paintings have special meaning to me. One has already gone home to another military family. They are sweet reminders of our way of life that might be a bit different from others but loved none the less.